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Sonnet JS provides a plugin system that allows you to extend the core functionality of the framework. Plugins can be used to add new features, modify existing features, or integrate third-party libraries. This guide will show you how to create and use plugins in Sonnet JS.

Creating a plugin

Plugin is just a function that takes the Sonnet instance as an argument and modifies it. Here is an example of a simple plugin that adds a new method to the Sonnet instance:

import { SonnetApp } from '@sonnetjs/core';

export function myPlugin(app: SonnetApp) {
console.log('My plugin is running');

app.myMethod = function() {
console.log('My method is running');


In this example, the myPlugin function takes the Sonnet instance as an argument and adds a new method called myMethod to it. The method logs a message to the console when called.

Using a plugin

To use a plugin, you need to import it and call it with the Sonnet instance as an argument. Here is an example of how to use the myPlugin plugin:

import { createApp } from '@sonnetjs/core';
import { myPlugin } from './plugins/my-plugin';

const app = createApp();

In this example, the myPlugin function is imported and passed to the use method of the Sonnet instance. This will run the plugin and add the new method to the Sonnet instance.


Plugins are a powerful way to extend the functionality of Sonnet JS. They allow you to add new features, modify existing features, and integrate third-party libraries with ease. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create and use plugins in your Sonnet JS applications.