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Introduction to JavaScript

· 4 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and for good reason. It is a powerful language that can be used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. In this blog post, we will take an overview of complete language

Variables in JS: var, let, const

· 7 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that is widely used for web development. One of the fundamental concepts in JavaScript is the use of variables. Variables are used to store data values that can be used throughout the code.

Object Methods in JS

· 6 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript functions are a powerful tool that can help you build complex and dynamic web applications. Whether you’re building a simple website or a large-scale web application, functions are essential for adding interactivity and functionality to your code.

Regex Expressions in JS

· 6 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is a programming language that supports regular expressions (regex). A regular expression is a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern. With regex, we can search and manipulate text data in a more efficient and flexible way. In this document, we will explore how to use regular expressions in JavaScript.

Protype in JS

· 5 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that uses prototypes instead of classes for creating objects. Prototypes are a fundamental concept in JavaScript and understanding them is essential in creating efficient and effective code.

Function Binding in JS

· 7 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is a versatile language that allows developers to create complex applications with ease. One of the language’s most powerful features is its ability to manipulate the behavior of functions through binding.

Class in JS

· 8 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a popular paradigm used in modern programming languages to organize code and data into reusable and modular components. JavaScript, although originally designed as a scripting language, has gained significant support for OOP. In this blog, we’ll discuss the principles of OOP in JavaScript and how to use them effectively.

Advanced Datatypes in JS

· 6 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that has been around for quite some time now. It allows developers to create complex applications with ease. While working with JavaScript, developers often come across data types that are not commonly found in other programming languages. In this blog post, we will explore some of the advanced data types in JavaScript, including Map, Set, and Date.

Error Handling in JS

· 6 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used for creating dynamic and interactive web pages. Like other programming languages, it is important to handle errors that may occur during the execution of JavaScript code.

Scheduling in JS

· 2 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used for building web applications. One of the important features of JavaScript is scheduling, which allows developers to execute code at a specific time or after a certain interval.