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Scheduling in JS

ยท 2 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used for building web applications. One of the important features of JavaScript is scheduling, which allows developers to execute code at a specific time or after a certain interval.


The setTimeout() function is used to execute a function after a certain delay. The delay is specified in milliseconds. Here is an example of using setTimeout():

setTimeout(function() {  
console.log("Hello, World!");
}, 3000);

In this example, the function console.log() will be executed after a delay of 3 seconds.


The setInterval() function is used to execute a function repeatedly after a certain interval. The interval is specified in milliseconds. Here is an example of using setInterval():

setInterval(function() {  
console.log("Hello, World!");
}, 1000);

In this example, the function console.log() will be executed every 1 second.


The clearTimeout() function is used to cancel a setTimeout() function. Here is an example of using clearTimeout():

var timeoutID = setTimeout(function() {  
console.log("Hello, World!");
}, 3000);

In this example, the setTimeout() function will be cancelled before it has a chance to execute.


The clearInterval() function is used to cancel a setInterval() function. Here is an example of using clearInterval():

var intervalID = setInterval(function() {  
console.log("Hello, World!");
}, 1000);

In this example, the setInterval() function will be cancelled and the code inside the function will no longer be executed.

In conclusion, scheduling is an important feature of JavaScript that allows developers to execute code at a specific time or after a certain interval. The setTimeout() and setInterval() functions are used to achieve this functionality. Additionally, the clearTimeout() and clearInterval() functions are used to cancel scheduled functions.