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30 posts tagged with "javascript"

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Working with APIs in JS

· 6 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

Working with APIs in JavaScript involves making requests to an external server to retrieve or send data. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of working with APIs in JavaScript, including how to make API requests using different methods and handling responses.

WebSocket in JS

· 2 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

WebSocket is a protocol that allows for real-time communication between client and server over a single, long-lived connection. Unlike HTTP, which uses a request-response model, WebSocket enables bi-directional communication between the client and server in real-time.

Browser Data Storage in JS

· 3 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript provides various options for storing data in the browser. These storage options are used to store data temporarily or permanently. In this article, we will explore different ways of storing data in the browser using JavaScript.

TypeConversion in JS

· 5 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

When we need to convert a value from one data type to another in JavaScript, we can perform either implicit or explicit type conversion. Implicit type conversion is performed automatically by JavaScript, while explicit type conversion is performed manually using built-in methods. Some examples of explicit type conversion are Boolean Conversion Boolean(), Number Conversion Number(), and String Conversion String().

Functions in JS: named, anonymous

· 5 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is a programming language used mainly for creating interactive web pages. One of its most powerful features is the ability to create functions, which are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. In this blog post, we will discuss what functions are, how they work, and how to create and use them in JavaScript.

Array in JS

· 6 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

JavaScript is an incredibly popular programming language and one of the reasons it is so popular is because of the versatility of arrays in JavaScript. Arrays in JavaScript are used to store multiple values in a single variable.

Object in JS

· 10 min read
Talha Mujahid
Software Engineer

In JavaScript, an object is a collection of key-value pairs, where the keys are strings (or symbols) and the values can be of any type. It is an unordered data structure that can hold primitive data types, arrays, and even functions. Objects are used to represent real-world entities, and they provide a way to organize and store related data.